BNB Chain



You can’t say that you’ve truly been a part of the DeFi experience unless you’ve been in a situation where you’ve had at least one experience of being in a harsh environment. Almost everyone in this room has been through something as agonizing and frustrating as this at some point in their lives. At Tokerr, like many of you, we have all acquired knowledge through trial and error. After the most recent deceptions, they concluded that it was time to maintain their ground and fight. Tokerr solemnly swore to themselves that they would gradually increase security within the bitcoin sector through a series of baby steps.

The problem of Defi:

It is not necessary for anyone who invests in Defi to be an experienced coder, and there is no need for this requirement to exist. However, even the most intelligent people can fall victim to con artists, even after conducting extensive studies. Even though a variety of websites, bots, and rug checkers are accessible, most con artists are skilled in concealing con functionalities within contracts. The following are some examples of scams:

• Hidden functionalities that allow the developer the ability to exclude investors’ wallets from the blockchain
• Functions that can be used to mint money to boost supply, which the team may then dump.
• A phony lock connection gives the impression that the liquidity is restricted.
• Including features that prevent trade makes it impossible for investors to sell their tokens and create what is widely known as a “honeypot.”
• Bringing the selling cost up to 99%, making it hard for investors to get their money out of the investment.
• Using a sniper to target their launches to get a competitive advantage and more revenues
• Utilizing a proxy contract enables any portion of the contract, or the entire contract itself, to be exchanged and replaced at any moment.

Tokerr Factory Bot

Developers can quickly establish contracts with their chosen criteria by utilizing the amazing Tokerr Factory Bot. They can make selections regarding the bot’s name, ticker, supply, and taxes, among other things, and then hand off the remainder of the task to the bot. After that, add some liquidity, and you’re ready to go. Everything is directly within the Telegram or Discord client that you’re already using.


Our native token, which will be used to support the Tokerr project and the utilities that will be created on top of it, will be the engine that drives the entire Tokerr ecosystem. TOKR will make its first appearance on the Binance Smart Chain when it launches later today (BSC). The liquidity will be linked with BNB, and it is anticipated that there will be a supply of one million TOKR.

Why Tokerr is a Solution

When a contract is started using Tokerr, it will be implemented with several safety protections. These safeguards will make it difficult to commit fraud using the contract. Some instances of these characteristics include the following:

The Creator is unable to set:

• Taxes higher than fifteen percent
• A limit on the maximum number of transactions that is smaller than fifty percent of the maximum wallet size.
• A maximum limit on the wallet that is greater than 4% (this setting cannot be changed after launch)
• Since swap back is ratio-based, the creator of the honeypot cannot apply a threshold to delay it.
• At the time of launch, the liquidity will be automatically locked (locker powered by Gempad)
• The issuer is required to provide at least 95% of the total supply to the liquidity pool.
• Integrated anti-bot and anti-sniper defense system (this also prevents a team from sniping their launch)

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