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PurpleBuyBot created by GrimaceCoin

What is PurpleBuyBot ?

PurpleBuyBot is an all-in one solution for crypto related telegram groups created by GrimaceCoin. It is the simplest, and most effective way, to run community contests and crypto ads. Every buy will be alerted in the group chat. PurpleBuyBot can also arange Biggest Buy Contests, Random Buy Raffles, and can provide information on promoted projects. As well as show trends by volume and views.

How PurpleBuyBot helps you to build your Telegram Community ?

Simply forward a buy alert to another groups, and the people in that group will be able to join your project group, just by clicking “Group” in the buy alert.

The link is generated in two ways:

1. The group/channel has a default invite link
2. The group has a username.

Projects may eligible to place in PurpleBuyBot Trending Page depends on their view and trading volume. By this page people may find most well performed projects in the market and join their Telegram groups.

PurpleBuyBot Ads

PurpleBuyBot Ads coming with the possibility to book multiple ad slots. Each buy alert will have only one ad slot, each ad slot will be shown equally by rotation.

From the bot user perspective it is great way to promote the project on other Telegram communities. If the bot user projects don’t want to see any advertisement on the buy alerts in their group, they may subscribe to PurpleBuyBot Premium Membership to avoid advertisements.

From GrimaceCoin holders perspective the bot will generate passive income by advertisement  and premium subscriptions. The generated passive income will be used for GrimaceCoin stacking pool to reward GrimaceCoin holders.

Why Uniswap V3 Support Is Important ?

The Uniswap protocol is a peer-to-peer1 system designed for exchanging cryptocurrencies (ERC-20 Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is implemented as a set of persistent, non-upgradable smart contracts; designed to prioritize censorship resistance, security, self-custody, and to function without any trusted intermediaries who may selectively restrict access.

There are currently three versions of the Uniswap protocol. V1 and V2 are open source and licensed under GPL. V3 is open source with slight modifications. Each version of Uniswap, once deployed, will function in perpetuity, with 100% uptime, provided the continued existence of the Ethereum blockchain.

The defining idea of Uniswap v3 is concentrated liquidity: liquidity that is allocated within a custom price range. In earlier versions, liquidity was distributed uniformly along the price curve between 0 and infinity.

Recently most of the Ethereum projects creating their liquidity pools in Uniswap V3. By this support PurpleBuyBot may be used in Ethereum projects that use Uniswap V3 protocol.

What Are The Live Buy Alerts ?

PurpleBuyBot tracking transactions trough Blockchain nodes. Group owners able to add and activate tracking in multiple chains. As soon as new buy transaction executed on the Blockchain,  PurpleBuyBot sending transaction details such as amount of token, current market cap, link of transaction Blockchain record and the other important informations.

What Is Biggest Buy Contest ?

Biggest Buy Contest feature allows projects to reward the top buyer in a certain time period. This is most well-known buy contest method in the crypto space. It is perfect way to create hype and effect to support chart.

What Is Raffle Buy Contest ?

Raffle Buy Contest is a new contest method in crypto space. Method very similar to lottery, any buy above the minimum buy limit eligible to have an odd (may consider this as lottery ticket). End of the contest the bot automatically picks the winner.

What Is Last Buy Contest ?

Last Buy Contest popularity getting higher day by day in crypto space. This contest method running a countdown, if nobody don’t buy above the minimum buy limit during the countdown period, the last buyer wins the contest. Each eligible buy restart the countdown.

How to Setup ?

1- Click @PurpleBuyBot and add it to your group
2- Give admin permission to bot
3- Call start command on the main chat by typing /start
4️- Bot will generate custom admins only Click to Continue button
5- By clicking the custom button, you may access the bot settings(All features accessible through bot chat screen, bot commands are not working on the main chat.)
6- Use /add_token command to start using bot


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